Sunday 4 December 2011

Evaluation 3

Click to see Audience Feedback


Our audience feedback for the poster has influenced our final product.

We asked 8 people to look at our original poster and give their opinion on it in a short sentence. This gave us a great insight into how our target audience react to our products. The font was an issue, the majority saying it was too simple. This worried us because we knew that font was a main part of a film poster. It could determine how the genre on the film comes across. We changed the font to a more interesting and 'thriller' suitable font. We can see now that it is focal point of the poster and makes the whole poster look much better. After looking back at audience feedback we have modified the poster in a way that now looks more realistic and meets the thriller conventions more.

From our audience feedback for the magazine front cover we learnt that the overall view of it was OK. Due to timing we are not able to improve on any of the points made by our target audience. If we did, we would probably include something about thriller movies, this would give the audience an incite into the what the movie may be like. The picture is good, but a tad blurry, this is due to the software we used. We found InDesign quite hard to operate so we couldn't get the picture that size without blurring it. For the magazine we just wanted it to look realistic which we think it does, and even though it may not seem like a thriller film, the front cover of a magazine is not meant to cater just to the main title. We added the special edition, which someone picked up on, this makes it look realistic and if we were to do it again we know that we would keep that in, as well as the text and the sticker. The title went down quite well, we now know from the audience feedback that it was successful.

From our audience feedback about the trailer we found that it mostly positive. Majority likes it and said it was dramatic, which the main basis for a thriller trailer, so we think we have achieved a good trailer. Some people commented on how it was a bit shaky, this is a technical issue of not keeping the camera steady enough. To improve this we would have placed the camera on a tripod or a surface when filming. With the interviewing we learnt that it has quite a good response, not too much criticism. Overall rating about 7/10.

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