Wednesday 23 November 2011

Final Storyboard

Final Editing

We have edited the trailer a considerable amount. We have included the 'green band' and our production titles a the beginning. We have edited the sound using sound booth so that we could have the best possible effects for the trailer. We have included dipping, so this makes it more dramatic, when these occur we teamed it with dramatic music for a second so that it is emphasised. We cut quite a lot out so that we could keep suspense and so that it was shorter, making it more of a teaser trailer than an actual trailer.

Here we are editing the sound, making it fit in the right places so that it all flows together.

This is the dipping, we have made it so it was at the dramatic parts, and we have including titles for some of them so that it meets the normal conventions of other trailers.

We added end credits to the trailer to make it more realistic and legitimate.

 After completing the trailer we had to export it so that we could upload it to You Tube and play it on Blogger.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Evaluation 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
The genre of our movie is’ thriller’ therefore we started off by looking at conventions of the ‘thriller’ genre.
The conventions were then clearly pointed out to us and then we began to draft ideas and storylines' to create a typical thriller teaser trailer. By doing this it made us realise what we needed to include in our trailer, magazine and poster.
After that we then wrote our script, which is where we decided to include those specific conventions in order to make the genre clear to the audience.
Our main aim with our trailer, magazine cover and poster was to scare and entice the audience enough to make them want to go and see our film, which is obviously the intention behind all promotion in the movie industry. When creating all of our products we decided that we wanted the poster and magazine cover to obviously promote our trailer, therefore we used images and settings that reflect the film, this ties them all together and further promotes our movie.
We accomplished that alluring mysterious tone to our teaser trailer that we wanted in the first place. The music ties in perfectly with the sequence and leaves the audience wanting to know more about our storyline. Although some may say that our trailer is a cliché because we have a young attractive woman in a house by herself, however its not a cliché because she’s not some dumb blonde teenager running away, our character Sam is confronting the murder for the sake of protecting her children. This will make her relatable for the audience who also has children, who will understand that she would have to protect her kids.
We wanted our poster to be strong and alluring for the audience. The reason why our poster is strong is because we choose the text to be minimal and the image to be the main focus. This is effective because when people read the poster they see the main elements that our most important information for the reader. The image of our character having her back to the camera looking out represents that she's strong and also the light coming through the tree's represents there's hope. This relates back to the trailer and creates the strong willed character that Sam is. It represents how she isn't running away and how she's facing her problems head on and protecting her kids. Also we had the poster shoot set in some woods as it represents the beginning of the movie which isn't showed in the teaser trailer, this shows the audience a new location and new scene to go on. The production title, which promotes that company and reminds the audience of previous or other upcoming movies from that company. The title, which is ‘The Widow’ which is short but memorable. The tag line at the top of the screen also ties in with the idea of being strong and also puts the audience in the characters shoes. It asks a direct question which the audience would have to answer by watching the movie, this again ties in with the thriller genre, by having an intriguing question. Lastly instead of choosing a specific date, month or season for our movie we choose coming soon. By having ‘coming soon’ it creates that mysterious feel because the audience doesn’t know when it’s going to be released which leaves the audience curious.
Magazine cover:
In our previous ancillary texts our character 'Sam' was always very mysterious as she was facing away from the camera. In our magazine front cover we decided to have her face on as it gives the effect that she is facing her fears and is strong. You could also see it as this magazine cover makes her look vulnerable as its her face head on and I think there's a sense of vulnerability in this image, which is opposing to the other two ancillary texts.This works well with the trailer as she needs to be seen as a strong character. I think the cover is effective because it would draw a reader to the magazine. Although we did want our character to seem strong, we didn't want her to seem intimidating so when photographing her we asked for her to show a hint of sadness. This shows the vulnerability of the character and makes her more relatable to the audience. The magazine cover fits in well with our trailer because of the colour scheme. We choose the colours red and black to represent the thriller genre which comes across clearly in both our trailer an
 magazine cover.

Friday 18 November 2011


We used this video camera to film our teaser trailer. This was given to us from our teacher because its a high quality camera. He gave us a quick tutorial on how to use this device.

For the voice over we recorded my voice on my phone, on the voice recorder application. We liked the effect it gave because it sounded like a radio announcement.

This is my Blackberry that we recorded my voice.

We then used my itouch to record the other voice because the sound quality was more suited for the phone call to make it more realistic.

Thursday 17 November 2011


Danielle and I have worked together in creating our products for our film.

We have split our roles for some of it.

• filming
• editing
• sound effects
• choosing layouts
• script and treatment
• preparation for filming
• production title research
• images for poster
• poster development and magazine development

• research into trailers, magazines and posters
• production title editing and development
• target audience
• shot list
• poster layouts
• storyboard first draft
• film magazine layouts

As you can see we have done the majority and the most important parts together, showing we have come together and worked hard to make sure we have equal input into the products.
The things we have done separately shows that we have had initiative to do things differently but combine our skills to do it, for example, Charlotte is creative so she took a lead role in creating our production titles, whilst I went carried out the audience research.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Magazine Layout

This is the layout for our magazine front cover. We still need to take images of our main character for the image, we haven't done this because we want to get the best possible high quality images, and screen shots will not perform to the same standard.

We like this layout because the font is large for the main film title, enabling the audience to be more attracted to the film we are mainly advertising. The barcode at the bottom makes it look more realistic as a magazine cover. The text on the side makes the page have more depth and makes it more interesting because there is more on the page. The title of the magazine needs to be the biggest font, because this is what attracts the audience to reading it.

Final Poster

Poster Development

We started by picking our favourite two images from the ones we took to decide which one to be on our poster, we went into InDesign to compare the two.

We went into Photoshop to edit the first image. We toned down the brightness and decreased the saturation to make it appear darker. We then slightly altered the gamma correction to make the contrast go down a bit more.

This is the difference between the images, as you can see the edited version suits the thriller genre conventions more because it is more darker and has more of a spooky feel to it.

We edited the second image by lowering the contrast and brightness to make it darker so that it fit in with the genre conventions. Then lowered the saturation to make it even darker.

We like this image because it shows her running, this gives a spooky and mysterious vibe that makes it stand out because the audience may be drawn into thinking why she is running.

We like this image because it shows her confidently standing, because in the film she is the main character who is the heroin so she needs to be confident and strong. We like the colours in this because it even though it has been toned down the light coming through the trees gives a sense of hope and that not everything may be gloomy.

Poster Shoot

We took pictures of our main character out in the woods. We want one of these to be our poster cover because they goes well with the genre conventions of the thriller genre.

We wanted something that would stick in someone's mind when seeing it, and we wanted it to be simple but holding mystery so we thought that by just seeing the back of her it would add a good effect.

These are the photos we took, and we will pick the ones we like the best and edit them if necessary.