Thursday 23 June 2011

Teaser Trailer Script

Once we decided what our storyline was, me and Danielle went off and wrote our scripts for the trailer. Below is my version of the script.

(Click to Enlarge)

Then we both read each other scripts and exchanged idea's about what we wanted in the final trailer to make it the best it could be.

This is the Final Script:

Opening Titles
Voice Over:
The city has been warned, there is a murderer on the loose. Police are cautioning all citizens to stay in their houses.
Matthew! Screaming
(Whilst voice over of the radio and the character Sam are being played the production titles on the screen)
(Screen goes to black. Music thuds. Scene cuts to Sam on the phone)
Detective Fletchman:
This is detective Fletchman, I'm so sorry for your lose, were gonna catch the man who did this'

Long pause Not if I find him first
Slams the phone down next to the picture of the couple
(Music thuds. Screen fades to black, titles appear)
(Cuts to night time, heavy knocking sound effect is played)
Sam walks to the door (shots fading in and out)
Sam, is everything ok? Frantic and out of breath
Yeah, Norris why? Sighing sounding annoyed and impatient
Don’t want to alarm you but I think I just saw something in your back yard...
The kids
Runs to the kitchen to find the window open (creaking floorboards)
Sam Scrambles around the kitchen (screen fades to black) picks up knife
Runs up the stairs
Opens the door (music stops)
Sam sighs in relief as she sees her kids are fine
Backs out of the room closing the door behind her (Creaking bedroom door, music begins)
Sam slowly walks to the door, the screen goes black. (Film titles appear)

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