Tuesday 14 June 2011

Research Into Different Trailers- Action

Transformers: Dark of the Moon Teaser Trailer

Production titles of company that sponsors the film

Opening scene, dark tone to it, of a road with the city shot in the background, there seems to be mayhem going on on the road.

The shot fades to black, this is effect something that would be could to include in our own trailer. It creates suspense.

First time shot of a character, the main character Sam, in a car with a mid shot of him turning his head. In front of the car in the background there is some chaos, because he is in the foreground it makes the audience's eyes draw to him. He looks worried, and with his eyes focused up the audience will want to see what is behind him and what he is looking at.

Screen goes to back with the iconic font of the 'TRANSFORMERS' logo with the date the film is released. Because it has a shot of its own, the audience may think that it is very important and quite dramatic.

There is then a shot of someone falling out of what looks like an aeroplane. It seems as though there is a part of an aeroplane broken off so this adds a sense of danger to the scene.
It is a wide long shot of the rest of the city below, and the sky, with the men and aeroplane in the foreground.

The next two shots flow together. There is a collision of two cars that make a big explosion, it is along shot of the cars with building at the back, implying it is in a normal area of town. The explosion makes a hug impact on the trailer.

The shots fade in and out to create a suspension of what is going to happen.
The two cars collide and they turn into the transformers. This would be great for the audience to see so that they know they are back.

Shot goes to one of the transformers, Bumblebee. This was a beloved character in the first two films so the audience watching the teaser trailer might be happy that the character is back in the third installment.

Screen fades to black, with the word 'EARTH' in the same font as before.
This is something that might be good for our own teaser trailer because it would be great for building suspense, and for including information about the film.

Shot goes to an action clip of cars blowing up, this intensifies the teaser trailer, so that the audience know something big is happening

The same title work comes up, with black background and title, 'GOES DARK' this is effect after the shot just fades to black.

This is a bird's eye view shot, panning down onto the same level. This gives an insight into the magnitude of the chaos.

Low level shot, battle scene and destruction. This associates the audience with the Action Genre.
Mid shot of an explosion in the bakground and a young, attractive woman looking out into the distance. The action and the attractive woman appeals to the male audience.

Low level shot which angles up slightly at the Transformer dstructing the city. Creates a sense of tradgedy and action. Explosion shot just after pervious shot of the Transformer being blown away in an explosion. This intrigues the audience to want to see if the Transformers win or not.

Long shot of the desturction that the Transformers have caused. The shot has police cars, taxi's and fire engines with the large Transformer. this shit shows how the Transformers have intruded on our world and created destruction. This intrigues the audience to see this film because its unlike any other film out there.

This is the title of the film. The black bacground draws the audeinces attention staright to the title and makes it stick in the audeinces mind.

This screen shot shows a fewcredits of the producer, film distrubutor, etc. This screen shot is very quick as they want to manily focus on the shits before and after this shot.

The trailer ends on this screen shot to make sure that the audience remembers that date.

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