Friday 7 October 2011

Production Title Planning- Name Ideas

For our Trailer we have to feature our own Production Titles. After researching into different names, we came up with these ten ideas.

Venus Productions- We thought this name would be suitable because many of the existing titles all related to the sky or the universe. However we concluded that people often associate the platen Venus with women which is not our concept for our film.

Infinity Productions- this name Went with the concept of being limitless which makes our company seem as if we have no limits on what we can do. The name itself is quite catchy and has a futuristic feel to it.

Mystery Productions- We then thought of a name which would immediatly be assiocated with thriller movies. 'Mystery' is often something that people would often assiocate Thriller movies with therefore we thought it would work well. However, we thought its to cliche and not professional enough for our movie.

Swift Productions- When researching into production companies we found that Warnwer Bros is named after a surname of the founders of the company.So we therfore liked the idea of our company being named after someone, we thopugh of the singer Taylor Swift and thought the name Swift had a ring to it.

Parallel Productions- When thinking about limitless we came up with this idea because Parallel lines never meet and therfore is endless. Parallel could be a metaphor for the link between the audience watching and the film.

Watch Productions- This idea came from the thought of the audience simply watching the film. However, this is again not professional enough and is amateur.

Perplexity Productions- We looked up in a Theasurus the word Thriller to get some more ideas for a name. We choose this word in particular because it sounds sophisticated and also is alliteration which makes the audience remember it more. Although its related to the thriller genre, its not sharp enough to stay in the audiences mind.

Riddler Productions- This is another word we found in the Theasurus next to Thriller. The reason we used it was because a Thriller movie wh=ill sometimes have riddles in it which will challenge the audience.

Sphinx Produtions- When we researched into production companies, the company Tristar has a mythical horse as its logo. This then made us think of another mythical creature which is called a Sphinx. A Sphinx is a creature which bares a riddle which is to be sovlved for it to go away. We thought that this went well with the Thriller genre. However, it may not go well with the theme of our film because mythical creatures are often in fantasy films.

Starlight productions- We thought of this anme, when thinking of the universe again. The name has quite a flow to it, and goes well against other companies such as Universal.

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